
Who is travelling?

person Adult

As an 'Adult' customer type, you can get both a time discount and a quantity discount. If you are between the ages of 16 and 25 years, you can travel as a 'Young', often at a lower price than an 'Adult'.

Use Rejseplanen to check the prices and discounts before you go, and find out which cards and tickets offer you the best price. Please note that no matter where you travel across the country, Rejsekort will be cheaper than single tickets.

→ Go to rejseplanen.dk.

barn Child

Children not only travel at half price in comparison to adults, but they also only prepay half the price on journeys.

If you would like to know the price of a journey before your child travels, you can look it up at Rejseplanen. Remember to choose the customer type 'Child' in order to see the correct price.

→ Go to rejseplanen.dk.

In control situations, control staff can ask for documentation that the child is entitled to travel on customer type 'Child'. The documentation can be, for example, a health card or passport.

Free fellow children travellers
Adults can bring two children under the age of 12 with them for free. Children can bring one other child under the age of 12 with them for free. You shouldn’t check in fellow travelers, that travel for free, on your Rejsekort.

From “Child” to “Young Person/Adult”
When your child turns 16, the customer type on the child’s Rejsekort must be changed to 'Young Person' or 'Adult'. We will send you an email when it is time to change the customer type. You can change the customer type by calling Rejsekort Customer Service at 70 11 33 33. We will then change the customer type for you.

When the change has been requested, it may take up to five hours before it is transferred to the card in a station, and up to 24 hours in a bus. The transfer takes place when you check in.

ung Young Person

As a young person you can buy a 'Youth Card' or have Rejsekort set to 'Young Person'. You can often do both with advantage.

You can have your Rejsekort Personal set as the customer type 'Young Person' if you are one of the following:

  • Between 16 and 25 years old or
  • Holding a 'Youth Card' or
  • Enlisted at an SU-approved education institution education and can show student cards on your travels

You can have your Rejsekort personally set to customer type 'Young Person' by contacting Rejsekort Customer Service on telephone 70 11 33 33 or at certain retailers.

As a 'Young Person', you will get a 20% time discount, when you travel with train between regional fare sectors. Note that you don't get a special time discount as a 'Young Person' during local journeys such as traveling solely on Zealand. 

You may be required to provide documentation for the customer type when traveling.

'Youth Card' is for you who are between the ages of 16-19 or enlisted at an SU-approved education institution, and will travel freely between your home and your education institution.

You can order a 'Youth Card' via www.ungdomskort.dk

Check prices on 'Youth Card' and on travel with Rejsekort

Rejsekort is not necessarily the cheapest option for you. Use rejseplanen.dk to see your prices and discounts and to check which type of card or ticket is best for your trip.

 See prices on 'Youth ' here.

pensionist Pensioner

If you are 67 years or older, you need a Rejsekort Personal to travel as a 'Pensioner' at a lower price.

Please note that the age limit will be raised to 67 years per 1. July 2022,

Read more about the age limit being raised to 67 years here.

As a pensioner, you will get a 20% time discount, when you travel with train between regional fare sectors. There is no time discount on journeys across Storebælt.

If you travel in DOT’s area (Zealand, Lolland, Falster and Møn), you get a 30% discount on all single trips, and an additional 20% time discount, when you travel with a Rejsekort as a ‘Pensioner’.

If you are on early retirement, you must use the web formular. You can also contact Rejsekort Customer Service at +45 70 11 33 33, where we will be ready to assist you. Rejsekort Customer Service are open on all weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm.

 Go to the web formular.

You can also get help at certain retailers, that offer this service. 

 Find retailers here.

For us to change your customer type, you will need to document that you are on early retirement. You need to show documentation that is no more than 12 months old.

Documentation is one of the following:

Latest annual letter (Sent out annually)
Latest disbursement message (Sent out every month)
Completed form from the commune on which name, CPR-number and the communes signature appears
DSB identification card

The disbursement letter or the disbursement message can be shown electronically or as a print if it fx was only sent out electronically. In that case you need to show identification with your CPR-number at the same time.

Use “Rejseplanen”
Rejsekort is not necessarily the cheapest solution for you. Use Rejseplanen to check the prices and discounts and find out which kind of card or ticket costs the best for each journey.

→ Go to rejseplanen.dk.

kontakt Dogs and Bikes

You can bring your dog or bike by checking them in on your Rejsekort. Be aware that in some places you may bring a small dog or your bicycle for free. You have to buy a bicycle space ticket for journeys with DSB long-distance and regional trains.

 See what applies for your journey.

Separate Rejsekort for a dog or bike
If you often bring your dog or your bike, consider ordering a Rejsekort specifically for the dog or the bike. In such case, you do not have to check them in on your own card.

Order a Rejsekort Flex and set the customer type to 'Dog' or 'Bike'. Remember to check in and out on both cards when you are travelling.

  Go to order a Rejsekort Flex

person Disabled Person

You can buy a Rejsekort card with the 'Disabled Person' customer type at a Rejsekort retailer that offers it, or you can receive an order form by mail by calling Rejsekort Customer Service at 70 11 33 33.

In order to travel as the 'Disabled Person' customer type, you must have either a “Ledsagekort Danmark” or a membership card issued by “Dansk Blindesamfund” or “Synscenter Refsnæs”.

If you travel as the 'Disabled Person' customer type, you can bring a travel assistant with you at half the price by checking in the assistant as a 'Child' on your Rejsekort.

Choose the 'Child' customer type on the card reader, or ask the bus driver for help.

Like with other customer types, the “Disabled Person” customer type also allows you to bring fellow travellers with you on your Rejsekort.

Guide dogs and service dogs can travel without any charge and do not have to be checked in.

Additionally, all card readers are placed at a height that allows you to scan your card and read the text on the screen from a wheelchair.

To assist the visually impaired, the card readers are programmed with a voice that lets you know which kind of card reader you are standing by.

When you place your hand on the card reader, the voice says, “check in”, “check out”, or “extra”.

profile Cease Customer Relations

Whether you withdraw your consent of treatment of your social security number or just do not want to be a customer of ours - there are several ways to this.

If you do not want to have a Rejsekort and wish to cease to be a customer, you can either contact Rejsekort Customer Service via 70 11 33 33, use the contact form or visit a retailer.

→ Go to the contact form.

→ See the full list of retailers here.

If you do not wish for us to manage your social security number, you can withdraw your consent through the same means.

The consequence of ceasing your agreement with Rejsekort and withdrawing your consent is that you can no longer own a Rejsekort Personal, Rejsekort Flex, a Commuter card and these cards will be blocked. We will also block your access to the self service. You will of course recieve the potential remains of your balance disbursed to your NemKonto after the at all times applicable rules. 

You can read more about our treatment of your personal date in our privacy and cookie policy and the rules for disbursement in our terms and conditions for Rejsekort Private and Commuter card.

→ Read more about the privacy and cookie policy here.

→ Read more about Rejsekort Private here.

→ Read more about Commuter card here.

You are always welcome to contact Rejsekort Customer Service, if you have any further questions.

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