
Get started with Rejsebillet

We'll help you install and navigate Rejsebillet.

Download RejseBillet from the App Store or Google Play. Once you have downloaded Rejsebillet, click 'Enter phone number to start.'

Enter phone number. Enter phone number and country code

Specify which data we are allowed to use. You can always change your settings under ‘Permissions’.

SMS code. You will receive a code via SMS

SMS code. You will receive a code via SMS

Notifications. Turn push notifications on/off.

Marketing. Indicate whether we are allowed to send you marketing messages in Rejsebillet. You can withdraw your concent at any time.

Same ticket – new design. We have changed the design for Rejsebillet.

Location. Select permission level for location

Ready to buy ticket. You are now ready to buy your ticket in Rejsebillet.