
Help for purchasing Commuter card

We help you set up and buy your Commuter card.

Select Commuter card second to top right and enter start and end locations for your Commuter card.

Enter your birthday. That way we are sure to give you the custumer type: ‘Child’, ‘Adult’, or ‘Pensioner’.

Select which type of Commuter card you wish to buy.

Choose which route you want. Price may depend on the chosen route.

Enter your personal information (name, last name, e-mail addresses. You entered your birthdate at step 2).

Confirm the e-mail you received from Rejsebillet

Select start date for your Commuter card and accept Terms and Conditions. Press Pay.

Select payment method: credit card or MobilePay. It is possible to add a payment card if you want a recurring subscription for your Commuter card.

Your Commuter card is now created.

The Commuter Card is valid from the date you entered and for 30 days onwards, regardless of which day of the month you choose to start from.