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If you experience issues with Check Udvej

24. Oct 2019 kl. 14:01
No cards to choose from
Have you recieved a message about not being able to register additional cards but your list of cards is blank? We ask you to delete the app from your smartphone and install the newest version in Appstore or Google Play. This should resolve the issue.

Check Udvej is unstable and we ask you to try again later. You have 14 days to make a submission, so if the service still doesn't work on the 14th day, you should call Rejsekort Customer service at 70 11 33 33.

We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on resolving the issue. 

Check Udvej can only be used for the following cards: "Rejsekort personal, rejsekort flex and rejsekort corporate".

Check udvej is not available for rejsekort anonymous, as the cardowner is not known.